Avoiding Mediocrity

Mediocrity is lurking everywhere in your working life. It’s waiting to grab you when your energy, engagement or excitement is low and drag you to a place that’s hard to return from.
Mediocrity is easy. It’s the road most travelled, the path of least resistance, no steps from greatness.

Yet, for those that want more for themselves — a greater legacy, impact, value, fulfilment, balance, status or pay — mediocrity can be avoided. Many people start the new year with this intention. Determined to right the wrongs of the previous year, change the way they do things to break the cycle of mediocrity, and become an example for others to follow.
Avoiding mediocrity takes work, but this work is pleasurable because the outputs more than justify the inputs. Avoiding mediocrity is more than self-development. It’s a leap into the unknown, a swim against the tide or the courage to do something not seen before.
True leaders are never mediocre. They choose to:
- Make relationship building a priority so they can put themselves into service for others
- Spend their time productively, not waste it in needless meetings or on low value activity
- Be disciplined around their work plan so that the important things get done and deadlines and targets are always met
- Use technology to their advantage, not let it consume energy or time
- Build and continually evolve team cultures that people feel connected to and are able to do their best work in
- Be self-taught, reinventing themselves based on who they wish to become
- Leave a legacy of kindness, care, curiosity, determination and success that serves as an inspiration for others.
Anyone can be mediocre, but those who get the most from life choose to avoid it. Which path will you choose in 2023?